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Over 25,000 businesses use Segment to manage their customer data.

Nowadays, as every business is digital (to some extent), customer data is far from being a niche or a marketing trend. It's no longer a tool for an exclusive group of specialists. It's how companies make smart, data-driven decisions. Without it? Well, you're flying blind.


Product design

Web design

Design system







#1 customer data platform

Web design

At some point, every product-focused team lands on Segment’s website, usually looking for a demo or signing up for a free trial. Our mission was to level up their first impression.

We reimagined the entire visual layer, from the traffic-heavy homepage to laser-focused landing pages. Clean, cohesive, and built to scale, every element is reusable, allowing the Segment team to quickly ideate and create new pages.

And to spice things up, we added animated illustrations to explain key concepts in a fresh way.

Data is only valuable if it's well managed. With Segment, those 25,000+ businesses can collect, clean, and control their data to drive real results.

Ilya Volodarsky tonik testiomonial

Design system

The next big move was redesigning Evergreen, Segment’s design system. Already a well-established React UI framework, we gave it a fresh look and expanded the component library.

How did it feel to launch Evergreen? Like standing at the top of the world, sipping whiskey with Don Draper. Minus the sexism.

Ilya Volodarsky tonik testiomonial
Karol Dera
Product Designer

Product design

We took that same design system and brought it into the product. Some parts were just a refresh, improving UX based on user feedback. Other parts? We went back to the drawing board to simplify overly complex features - like onboarding.

Segment may be complicated, but it shouldn't feel that way. We made sure every user, no matter their technical background, gets a fair start.

Don’t fall in love with the first rectangles you draw! Before we settled on the visual direction, we made sure everyone was happy with it. It’s their design system — they should be the ones excited.

Ilya Volodarsky tonik testiomonial
Weronika Prasek
Product Designer

Ilya Volodarsky tonik testiomonial

Client’s words

tonik was the secret sauce behind our growth. They’re fun, creative and incredibly efficient. I recommend them to all the founders I advise.

Ilya Volodarsky
Co-founder of Segment

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