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Crafting compelling seed decks: 10 essential elements to Include and 10 pitfalls to dodge

Patryk Sobczak

Hey there, aspiring entrepreneur! Ready to knock the socks off potential investors with your market-disrupting idea?

Key ingredients for crafting an investor-winning pitch deck

Here are ten essential ingredients to help you create a drool-worthy pitch that’ll have investors reaching for their checkbooks.

The TL;DR Elevator Pitch

Kick off your pitch deck with a 30-second elevator pitch that packs a punch. Think of it as your startup's speed dating profile – you've got to make an impression, stat! Clearly state the problem, target market, and how your solution stands out from the crowd. Short, sweet, and memorable is the way to go.

The Big Bad Problem

Time to put your storytelling hat on. Paint a picture of the problem your startup is tackling. Throw in data, market research, and a few juicy anecdotes to hammer home the drama. The bigger and badder the problem, the more investors will crave your solution.

The Hero Solution

Now, introduce your startup as the cape-wearing hero swooping in to save the day. Show off your product or service's features and benefits, and explain how it'll make life better for your target market. Add some eye-candy in the form of visuals, like mockups of the prototypes, to seal the deal.

The Money-Making Plan

Here's where you spill the beans on your master plan for turning your startup into a cash cow. Break down your pricing strategy, sales channels, and key partnerships. Investors want to see dollar signs, so make sure you show them how the green will roll in.

The Market Goldmine

Convince investors that your startup is tapping into a goldmine. Use market data and research to back up your claims about the market size and growth potential. The bigger the opportunity, the more eager investors will be to join the gold rush.

The Bragging Rights

Time to flex a little! Showcase any early traction your startup has achieved, like customer testimonials, user engagement metrics, or revenue figures. If you've got validation from industry experts, partnerships, or pilot programs, don't be shy – share the love and strengthen your pitch.

The Get-'em Strategy

Spell out your marketing and sales strategy, emphasizing customer acquisition and retention. Describe your target audience, distribution channels, and the key marketing tactics you'll use to reel in potential customers.

The Dream Team

Introduce your founding team and key personnel, highlighting their skills and experience. Show investors that your team is the Avengers of the startup world – a group of talented individuals ready to make your venture a smash hit.

The Fortune-Telling

Whip out your crystal ball and share your financial projections for the next three to five years. Include revenue, expenses, and projected growth, but keep it grounded in reality – investors can smell a pie-in-the-sky forecast from a mile away.

The Ask and Cash Allocation

Lay out the investment amount you're seeking and how you'll use the funds. Break down the allocation into categories like product development, marketing, and operations. Show investors you've got a clear plan for growth and that their money will be put to good use.

Pitch deck faux pas

Now that we know what to focus on, let’s also talk about what to avoid. Here are some common pitch deck faux pas that can send investors running for the hills:

The "What's-our-point-again?" problem

If your pitch deck dances around your value proposition or is wishy-washy about the problem it's solving, investors might doubt your startup's potential.

The "We-didn't-do-our-homework" vibe

Pitch decks that skimp on market research or data to back up claims can leave investors wondering if you truly understand your industry.

The "Money-grows-on-trees" illusion

Over-the-top revenue projections or wild assumptions can signal that you're out of touch with reality or not very strategic.

The "La-la-la-I-can't-hear-you" competition approach

Ignoring or downplaying competition can make you seem out of touch or overconfident, leading to poor strategic choices.

The "How-do-we-make-money-again?" conundrum

If your pitch deck fails to present a solid, believable business model, investors might question your startup's shot at profitability.

The "Rookie-of-the-year" team lineup

A team that's light on relevant experience or key skills can be a red flag, making investors wonder if you can really pull off your grand plans.

The "We'll-just-wing-it" marketing strategy

A weak or unclear marketing and sales strategy can leave investors doubting your ability to woo and keep customers.

The "All-about-the-bells-and-whistles" obsession

Focusing too much on product features without addressing customer benefits can signal that you're missing the big picture.

The "Messy-room-messy-mind" pitch deck

A cluttered, poorly designed, or disorganized pitch deck might make investors question your professionalism, attention to detail, and communication chops.

The "We-need-a-gazillion-dollars" ask

Requesting a sky-high or rock-bottom investment amount without proper justification can raise eyebrows about your financial savvy and the potential return on investment.

To dodge these red flags, it's essential to whip up a clear, concise, and well-researched pitch deck that shows you've got your finger on the pulse of the market, soothes potential concerns, and highlights your startup's unique secret sauce.

Pitch decks that went straight to investors’ hearts

To top it off, here are 5 examples of pitch decks that wooed investors and made them open their wallets.


The home-sharing giant's pitch deck nailed the market opportunity, problem-solving prowess, and innovative approach. The snappy and visually tasty presentation helped Airbnb score some early-stage funding.


Dropbox's pitch deck showcased how it solved a widespread problem, its market potential, and growing user numbers. This winning combo helped Dropbox secure seed funding from Sequoia Capital.


The social media maestro's pitch deck emphasized traction, business model, and growth plans. The transparent and straightforward presentation scored Buffer a cool half-million in seed funding.


The mobile payment trailblazer's pitch deck focused on the market opportunity, problem-solving, and competitive advantages. The eye-catching and well-crafted presentation was a key factor in Square's early funding success.


The personal finance whiz's pitch deck highlighted its value proposition, market opportunity, and business model. Mint's data-driven, visually appealing pitch helped the company make it rain with initial investments.

If you’re in the process of building a seed deck and need some help – feel free to reach out for some free advice – we’re always happy to help any early stage founder.